Week: 12                 

            Day 1: Lecture             Chapter 15     

Digestive  read pgs. 520-557, do IRS on digestive system

            Day 2: Lab                  Check lab schedule for assignments

            Day 3: Lecture             Chapter 16   

Metabolism     read pgs 558-589, do IRS on metabolism

            Day 4: Lab                  Check lab schedule for assignments

            Day 5: Lecture             Review Chapter 15 and 16 summary, do chapter 15 and 16 review questions

            Quiz     Lecture     Quiz over Endocrine, Blood, Heart, BloodVessels, Lymphatic and Immune

Lab Quiz covering lab exercises for week 12


            Exam : none            


            Homework                  Read development and digestive disorders

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Instructor Review Sheet (IRS) on the digestive and metabolism chapter [Use to guide study and review of topics]

Biology 2404 A&P Basics    Digestive and Metabolism      Review Sheet  Dr. Weis

1. Define the following terms :

            a) alimentary               b) digestion                 c) absorption               d) ingestion

            e) peristalsis               f) segmentation            g) mastication              h) defecation

            i) deglutition

2. Regarding the alimentary canal, be able to identify and discuss the anatomy/ parts & function of :  oral cavity,  pharynx, esophagus,  stomach,  Small Intestine, Large Intestine, and the anus.

3. Regarding the accessory structures of the digestive system, be able to identify and discuss the location, anatomy / parts and function of  the:

             Pancreas,  Liver,  Gall Bladder,  Salivary glands, Tongue, and Teeth.

4. Regarding digestive physiology : be able to name and give the source and function of secretions from the following organs :

 Salivary Glands,  Stomach, Pancreas,  Liver, Intestines (small & large).

5. Define the following terms

            a) calorie                     b) nutrient                    c) essential

            d) anabolism               e) catabolism               f) metabolism

6. Regarding the major nutrients, be able to name, give source, smallest chemical unit, the function, how/where metabolized, and related metabolism terms for the following :

            a) carbohydrates

            b) lipids : triglycerides and cholesterol

            c) proteins

            d) vitamins

            e) minerals

            f) water                                   

7. Define energy, BMR and TMR                                

8. Regarding temperature :

            a) define temperature

            b) explain the CNS control of temperature

            c) Name two ways heat can be lost to the environment

            d) Explain how blood flow is integral to heat maintenance

            e) Name two problems involved with body temperature is regulated


9. Be able to explain the role of the digestive system in relationship with other body systems.                                                                              

10. Name two aging changes for the digestive system

11. Name two problems with each organ of the digestive system

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